Home › Fora › JoinJet opdrag › 6709 – SOS tur 3PX GCLP 08-09JAN
- Dette emne har 3 svar og 2 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 5 år, 1 måned siden af
JoinJet Operation.
8. februar 2020 kl. 10:35 #1575
JoinJet Operation
DeltagerSOS Referencenumber: AFY-000834-001
Please revert with a quote on:
Number of patients: 3
Patient 1 – IFP 441203-004 – GCLP-ESSP (Stretcher)
Patient 2 – LF 420708-005 – GCLP-ESSP (Stretcher)
Patient 3 – SPA 041052-001 – GCLP-ENBO (Ambulanceflight)Routing (ICAO): GCLP-ESSP-ENBO
Patient place of stay:
1) Patient IFP-441203-004
Hospital San Roque Maspalomas, Calle Del Mar De Siberia 1, 35100
Maspalomas (we do not have room number) +349280636002) Patient LF-420708-005
Hospiten Roca, Buganvilla 1, 35290 San Augstin (room # 314)
phone number +349287690043) Hospital San Roque Maspalomas, Calle del Mar de Siberia 1,
35100 Maspalomas, (we do not have room number), +34928063600Receiving hospital:
1) Patient # 1 – TBA
2) Patinet # 2 – TBA
3) Patient # 3 – TBAPick up and delivery destination:
1) Patient # 1 – airport to airport
2) Patient # 2 – airport to airport
3) Patient # 3 – hospital to hospitalDate of transportation: 9th or 10th of February 2020
1) Patient # 1
Admitted for stroke 6.1.20, thrombectomy same day, dysarthria and
paralysis in left arm nearly disappeared. Discharged 11.1.20.
Re-admitted for anorexia, diarrhea, dehydration and weakness
20.1.20, Known with
hypertension, diabetes type 2 and dyslipidemia
For looking after a reason for pt’s anorexia a gastroscopy was
performed, the diagnosis was hiatal hernia and gastritis,possibly caused by medication. During admissiom pt also was
treated for a urinay tract infection. Current
condtion: alert, cooperative, GCS 15, BP 117/55 mm Hg, HR 77/ min,
no fever, SAT O2 99%
Step: 1B Stretcher patient – accepted for airline with escort
Medical team 2 nurses.2) Patient # 2
77 year old woman admitted to hos due severe hip pain after fall.
X-ray shows left stable pelvis fracture (ramus ischio-pubis).
The pt has a left hip protesis, but it has not been affected by
the fall. Cardivascular stable BP 173/65 HR 83 RR 14 Sat O2
98% Hb 12.8 Treated with painkillers (tramadol,
metochlopramid, and morphin p.n.) The pt is not able to put weight
on the left leg due to pain and she cannot sit longer periodsStep: 1B Stretcher patient – accepted for airline with escort
Medical team: Doctor3) Patient # 3
Chronic obstructive lung disease, emphysema, tobacco and alcohol
abuse. Admitted for exacerbation of COLD.
Vitals: pCO2 53.6 mmHg, pO2 52 mmHg, sat 87% room air, on 3 L
O2/min saturation increases to 93%. Hemoglobin 17.9 g/dl, BP
96/73, echocardopgraphy good heart function.
Air transport: AFY sitting pt, is co-transportable but intubation
should be possible in case of deterioration.
Ambulance to and from A/P to local hospital, medical ward. Oxygen
needed on ground 3 L/min.Step:3 ICU-pat. with monitoring, relatively stable
Medical team: DoctorSOS will arrange the ambulances according to schedules.
8. februar 2020 kl. 10:39 #1576Larsknudsen
KeymasterTuren modtaget. Søren og Lars ankommer til BLL ca kl 12
8. februar 2020 kl. 11:54 #1577JoinJet Operation
AFAF1238. februar 2020 kl. 18:02 #1579JoinJet Operation
DeltagerInfo fra SOS:
1) IFP 441203-004 Berit Ingegerd Axlund skal indlægges på:
Danderyd i Stockholm via Akutten
Vi har talt med dr. Halström som har sagt OK til
indlæggelsen +468517719662) LF 420708-005 Gun Margareta Fransson skal indlægges på:
Länssjukhuset Ryhov via akutten.
Vi har talt med Primærjour Chr. Tingstrøm som har sagt ok
tlf +461024100003) SPA 041052-001 Ingrid Mathilde Knudsen skal indlægges på
Bodø Sykehus, via akutten.
Vi har talt med medicinsk bagvagt Verchik +4775534000 -
- Du skal være logget ind for at svare på dette indlæg.